Sunday, October 6, 2013

Help Mojave Desert Animal Rescue WIN a NEW TOYOTA TUNDRA on October 24th!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please vote for @MOJAVE DESERT ANIMAL RESCUE on October 24, 2013 to win a 2014 Toyota Tundra! All you need to do is click below!   +Dezert Ratt 

All you need to do once there is enter MOJAVE DESERT ANIMAL RESCUE in the search area under the FINALISTS tab

Then click on Mojave Desert Animal Rescue's profile

Click REMINDER. An email will be sent to you, reminding you to vote for us on OCTOBER 24th.

It's THAT easy! 

Mojave Desert Animal Rescue is a TOYOTA 100 Cars for Good FINALIST, help us WIN by VOTING on OCTOBER 24th!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Yay! Dog Food!!

On Friday, myself and volunteer Amy Cook headed "down the hill" to pick up Mojave Desert Animal Rescue's eagerly anticipated pet food donation.  

Rammstein's Memorial Pet Food Pantry was empty, and we desperately needed pet food for the many homeless and unemployed residents of our region, who need help feeding their pets.  

We thought you would like to see a few photos of your generous contributions, hard at work! 

All ready for the trip "down the hill" to receive donated dog food...

One of our pallets, headed for the truck...
Half loaded, more to go. This load will last 8 to 10 weeks.
 Your donations pay for truck rental, fuel, and most importantly, the freight cost for the food itself.  Did you $80 can distribute a 900 - 1000 pound pallet of food? (All food is donated, we pay a per-pallet fee to help cover the cost of the food being transported from the manufacturer to the warehouse,  we then travel to the warehouse to pick up food)

Would you like to help the pets of homeless and jobless pet guardians in the Mojave Desert?

  This is by far the most economical way to feed so many in-need animals, and those at risk of surrender to animal shelters because of a guardian's inability to afford pet food.  

Next task? CAT FOOD!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Final Pedro Update

Hi everyone!  I have been working hard on healing since my last update. This will be my last one!  I have finally healed well enough from my burns to go back to my guardians, and I went home about 10 days ago.  This has been a very long and painful process, but I'm feeling much better now. My all-time FAVORITE hobby has been chasing the cats around the house. I love to play, but can't figure out why they don't chase me back!  Anyway, I want to thank all of you who cared about me when I was injured so badly.  Much love, Pedro

All dressed up in my fall duds, ready to go back to my guardians!
(Yes, I know I am a handsome little dood!)

One of the areas with the worst of my burns, healing very well! 

Falling embers caused the burns on my back, they're healing great and don't hurt anymore!

The burns I suffered on my neck due to my metal collar getting SO hot are also healing well!

My tummy has taken the longest to heal, this is all new skin!

In the car, and back to my guardians, yay!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Update from Pedro the Wonder Dawg! (Burned Dog Update)

Hi everyone!

I know a lot of you have been asking for an update about me, so here goes.

I have been a really good boy, and have been very patient while my burns are attended to, twice every day.   Tonight I called in the photographer, so she could take a few pictures to show you my progress.

I want to thank all of you who care so much about how I am doing, I am a very lucky dog in so many ways!!  I still have a lot of healing to do, and I will have some big scars, but that's OK.  I'll make sure to update you regarding my progress soon!  If you are reading about me for the first time, go to the previous blog to read my story.

Love, Pedro

Here I am in my saline bath. It helps all of the burned, dead skin cells slough off.

I really like my saline bath. It is soothing to my burns, and is really good for my skin.  I was pretty scared the first time, but now that I am used to it, I just stand there and enjoy it.

Aah, that feels so much better, especially on my tummy!

After my bath, any loose, dead skin is removed, so that my living skin underneath can begin to heal.  It has taken a long time to get most of my burns really clean, but I am improving so much!

I know this looks bad, but it is healing. That is healthy, living tissue. Yay!!

And here I am getting all ready for bed. All of my burns have been treated and medicated, and I'm feeling well enough that I am FINALLY using my paws to scratch my own bed into the shape I want it in.

Aah, my favorite, getting my ear scratched before I go to sleep!

Friday, September 16, 2011

So many new faces! We could use some help!

A lot has happened since our last blog update!  Grab a cup of hot chocolate, sit down, put your feet up, and we'll get you up to speed!

Every week, we've been distributing pet food to low income and homeless pet guardians in our local community, and every week, there are more reaching out for help.  

We are in DESPERATE need of dry dog and dry cat food, small (cat sized) collars (for dogs),  leashes, and zip lock bags. 

Today alone, we distributed more than 150 pounds of dry dog food, 96 pouches of wet dog food, dog treats, and nearly 40 pounds of cat food. We provided new, donated collars to 11 pets who had no collar.  Many of the dogs who arrive for intake are on whatever can be used as a leash. A chain, a rope, a telephone cord, a bungee cord!  Talk about creative! For intake of new animals, the word is out that pets need to be on a leash when they arrive.  Today we also distributed 18 new, donated leashes. You can't imagine the joy a simple leash and/or collar brings to a pet guardian struggling though hard times.  Allowing a guardian to choose the color?  EVEN BETTER!  

We will be unable to help all of the people coming to us this next week if we can't secure at least 200 pounds of dry dog food and at least 40 pounds of dry cat food before September 23rd. 

When you donate pet food, or funds to purchase pet food, you are saving a life.  You are helping to keep a beautiful and deeply loved animal from facing surrender to an animal shelter and possible euthanasia. You are also helping a person who loves that pet, often more than anything in this world, to keep their trusted companion by their side.

Unemployment in our desert community is approaching 18%, and those are only the "counted" people. This figure does not include the homeless, or those on permanent, fixed incomes.  Our region continues to experience job layoffs, businesses closing their doors, and people-and the animals they love-stuck in the middle. We purchase food in bulk, and provide food and treats to last one week.  If you could only see the thankfulness, the politeness, and the love and pride these guardians have for their animals? You'd be amazed.  

This is "Buda" proudly modeling his new lead and collar.

One of people who religiously comes to get food for his little dogs experienced what must be one of the worst things that can happen to someone: the old motor home he and his girlfriend live in, burned to the ground last Thursday morning.  I saw him last Friday. The shock of this tragedy was just beginning to set in, and I felt so sorry for him that I had to hold back tears as he told me all that had transpired. A little Chihuahua  "Baby Girl" was missing, two little dogs could not be saved and died in the fire, and one-suffered  "a couple of burns."  

Pedro, in the arms of his guardian. 
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pedro's guardian, and Pedro immediately after the fire.
Enter Pedro. A really adorable little chihuahua guy, full of personality, who thinks he is THE cutest thing ever to walk the Earth on four paws.  

Another one of our regulars asked me if I wouldn't mind taking a look at Pedro, the dog pictured in our local newspaper who was rescued from the fire.  He was keeping Pedro in his home, while Pedro's guardians were dealing with the aftermath of the fire. 

Remember-these are people who do not trust easily.  They are proud people, they struggle in ways most of us cannot imagine, but they do whatever they can within their own circles to help one another. They are loyal to one another in ways that most of society has long ago forgotten, and for him to ask me to come look at this dog? I knew---it had to be serious---but he also knew by now that what I do, to help them feed their pets, is something I do from my heart. Not for money, and certainly not for fame, but to help make life's daily struggles a little less bleak, and to keep them together as families.  

This man, caring as well as he was able to for his friend's little pet, was obviously worried, and he said Pedro seemed like he was in a lot of  pain.  I went straight over to see this dog.  There was Pedro, curled up in a little ball on a bed, surrounded by  a little "blanket nest."   

I gasped.  Burns often don't show up on animals as quickly as they do on humans.  What earlier looked like a few, small, fairly nasty scorch marks, were now showing up as large, angry, third degree burns.  "Can you help him?  Watching him try to lie down has me nearly in tears, he looks like he hurts so bad!"  

He'd done all he could to help this dog, and his heart wanted to do so much more for the little life entrusted to him. Disabled, in a wheelchair and living day by day, he felt horrible that he was unable to more to make Pedro comfortable.

"He desperately needs a vet" I informed him.  "He has third degree burns on his little butt, his whiskers are singed, his stomach and paws are all burned, and he has blisters, indicative of second degree burns, all over his left side.  He needs to come with me right now.  I'll find a way to get him seen by a vet today. His lungs may be damaged too, and we need to know right now.  Not tomorrow, not next week, but now" 
Poor little burned nose!
"OK he said,  just please help him!"  It took the two of us more than 15 minutes to get Pedro cornered.  Even a finger laid on him elicited a response I'd expect from an extremely vicious dog.  Poor Pedro was in agony.

Pedro and I arrived at Banfield Animal Hospital (inside of PetSmart) in Apple Valley.  Burned, traumatized and in pain, he couldn't be picked up.  I led him slowly on a lead through the parking lot, and by the time we got to the clinic in the back of the store, he was moving very slowly, limping and whimpering.  His body hurt so badly that he chose to walk on burned paws. I don't know when I ever felt so sorry for a little creature. The staff attended to him immediately. 

After a full exam, it was indeed determined that Pedro had some serious third degree burns, and many second degree. Thankfully, his lungs sounded OK-for now.  The veterinarian stated that Pedro was one very lucky little dog, and was amazed he hadn't died. (Everyone working in the clinic had seen the story in the newspaper earlier that same same morning)

Off we went with painkillers, antibiotics, and prescription burn cream. Getting him back into the car had half the people shopping (and every employee) in PetSmart watching. Several wiped away tears as he proudly, but slowly stood on his own little burned paws-and walked out-by himself.  

I immediately went into "vet tech" gear.  I knew from the moment I set eyes on this dog that I was his only chance at survival.  Without it, he'd die-but with it, he could survive.  His wounds wouldn't be fatal unless he received no care, and he did not need to be euthanized. He needed professional veterinary care-and having those skills, how could I say no to a dog, whose guardian just lost what little he had-as he sat there helpless and in pain?  I couldn't. Pedro came home with me.

His guardians were shocked to see how much the burns had progressed in those 24 hours-and as I explained treatment, options, etc. they decided they wanted him to receive his care here-with me.  

For the past week, Pedro and I have spent a lot of time together. Twice a day he receives pain medication via injection. His burns are debrided if necessary, flushed and medicated, and he gets to go out for a little tiny walk with me.  

Pedro's left side, September 10, 2011.
This little dog has been more brave than words can express.  After losing all he knew to be familiar, including his guardians (for the time being) while experiencing the agony of severe burns, and the trauma of being in a fire, he's been a little champ.  He has learned to trust me, and even with the underside of his tail burned, he still wags it furiously whenever I am near. No longer in agony, he likes to curl up in my lap.  He loves to have his one (not burned) ear scratched, and he allows me to tend to his burns without biting.  He whimpers under his breath.  I cannot believe the spirit of this little dog-he is a blessing in my life-and he continues to amaze me.  I keep his guardians updated as to his progress, he gets to hear their voices on the speakerphone (which he loves!) He has been a stellar little guest in my home.  Pedro and I have several more weeks together-burns this severe don't heal very fast.  They will heal, but he will bear the scars of this fire, for the rest of his life. 

If you would like to contribute to our veterinary fund, or would like to donate funds to assist us in purchasing pet food, please visit our web page at  No donation is too small, it all adds up to help us-to help them.

Please note: We don't normally provide animal sheltering, but in an emergency situation like Pedro's, we will do whatever we can to help. If you would like to donate wet or dry pet food, or pet supplies, please email us at: contact @ AnimalResQ dot org   

Friday, August 19, 2011

Never Been Homeless--Until Now...

Today was pet food distribution day.  As we packed up all of the dog and cat food care packages, we were confidant. "We have more than enough dry food"...I thought to myself, as I drove toward the distribution location.

Upon arrival, my jaw dropped.  A long line of people, standing there ever so politely, waiting for a sack lunch provided every Friday afternoon, and a lot of them-with one or more dogs, all on leashes, each also patiently waiting their turn, with their person. 

The best laid plans...went straight out the window.  Not long after my arrival? More people-and more just didn't stop. Not one person looked like somebody after a free handout.   These people were in need--all of them.

As I did an intake on each new dog (required for pet food distribution) and issued a Pet Food Bank ID card for each, the line continued to grow.

Halfway through intake, I stopped to give food to those who had previously registered. Not one soul forgot their ID card.  More than 90% of those we've issued cards to up to this point were present, and on time.

Two intakes were particularly memorable, but writing about one is enough. 

As I looked up from my paperwork, I saw a young man, 25-30 years old, and a young woman running behind him through the parking lot.  Both of them were running toward me, and each-was carrying a small dog.

"Ma'am, can you help us with our dogs please!!"   

As I asked this young man's name, names of his dogs, and recorded breed, sex, if spayed/neutered, etc. he got very quiet.  

"Are you homeless, did you lose your job, or are you living on a fixed income?" I asked.  

He sat there for a moment, silently.  "I lost my job 6 months ago. I'm filling out applications every day. My wife got laid off 8 weeks ago.  Last month we sold our car to pay the rent, and now we're being evicted at the end of this month. I don't know what you'd call us."

"Any chance of living with a friend or family for awhile?" I asked. 

"No, we've lived here a couple of years.  We both had jobs.  We don't have many friends, we spent most of our time working.  I want to know if you can help our dogs like we heard about, they're our family. Our kids. We would rather take them to animal control than let them go hungry."

My heart broke as I realized how desperate this young man and his wife were to find assistance.

His wife put down the other dog and left, returning 10 minutes later with a plastic bag, about 1/4 full of plastic bottles and aluminum cans. "That was a good hiding place" she said, "no one found our stuff." 

And that's where we come in-as do all of you who so generously donate food, or funds to purchase food.  

This couple was desperate to keep their dogs-if only they could FEED THEM.  Surrender to animal shelters in our area is huge problem, and it continues to grow as more and more people find themselves out of work, out of money, and the final blow-with no place to call home. 

The lucky few who do have to have a car to live in, are few and far between. Some had camping equipment before hitting rock bottom, and have set up camp in one of many locations.  With all of those people there?  Only 3 or 4 cars in the entire parking lot.

A dog doesn't need much, but it does need love.  It needs food, and to be protected from the things that may cause it harm.  What it gives back to it's person is tenfold.

As I gave him a week's worth of food for each of his dogs, he broke down and cried.

A grown man, in tears-obviously relieved that he no longer had to anticipate the unthinkable-simply because he didn't have the few dollars per week needed to keep his dogs fed.

"If you hadn't been here, I'd have taken them in tomorrow morning.  They haven't eaten in two days" he said.  "How do we begin to thank you?" he asked.

As I gave each of his little dogs a treat? Each dog gently and politely retrieved the treat from my hands, although both hadn't eaten in two days.

By the time I left that location today, all of that food was gone.  Not a crumb left.

As I sit here and go over the log of people and pets who truly needed help today, I am deeply saddened. Saddened that we even have to do this.  Saddened that so many people are in desperate need of help not only for themselves, but for their pets.  Saddened that they'll walk five miles (one way) in 100 degree heat, with their pet, to sign up for help.  (unable to take a bus because no dogs are allowed).  If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

The love they have for their animals is what keeps them going through these hard times.  No one living in this country should have to surrender a pet because of one simple obstacle: pet food.

It is often said that people who cannot afford a pet should not have one.  If this is how you feel, re-think this statement.  

Most of these people-until recently, COULD afford their pet.  They had a job, a home, and a car.  Some even had a savings account, had a 401K or an IRA. But now?  They face what they though was impossible:  homelessness.

Should a pet be surrendered to an animal shelter, some of which have euthanasia rates as high as 80%, because the owner has fallen on hard times?

We don't think so.  

As a civilized, advanced society, this shouldn't even be possible, but it's happening everywhere, and our desert regions have been hit especially hard.  

If we are able to help and we don't, that makes US a part of the problem, instead of a part of the solution.

Just as this young man wondered about how he'd be able to feed his dogs, we now sit here with the same concern.  The need is great.  The pantry is nearly empty, and we cannot let these animals, or their people down. 

We are their last hope.

Would you like to help a pet with something as simple as food?: Please visit our web site:  Mojave Desert Animal Rescue