This past week, there was a large fire in the Mojave Desert river bottom. While this might not seem like a big deal-it is.
There are many homeless people living in camps at the river bottom, and many of them lost what very little they had. At least one dog, the pet of a homeless woman, died in the fire.
Why are we writing about this?
We provide pet food care packages to low income and homeless people who have pets. Not only did this fire destroy what little people had, it also burned up valuable supplies of pet food that are kept for their best friends.
Yesterday, we made the "normal" rounds to places the homeless frequent. In two locations, the number of people present were far higher than normal. And many of them-had their best friend-a dog, with them.
"Are you the pet food person I heard about? I need help for my dog." This question was repeated over and over again. Others we already serve were pointing me out to others--who hadn't yet met me.
Tears flowed as stories of the experience of the fire-and the losses incurred were told. All they wanted was for someone to listen--and to care. On a normal day, it takes about 30 minutes in one location to register pet owners and to distribute care packages. But yesterday? Nearly three hours in one location.
We provided enough care packages to give the equivalent of 240 dog meals, and enough cat food to feed 45-60 cats for one week.
We are in desperate need of quart and gallon size ziplock freezer bags, as well as dry dog and cat food. If you would like to help, please contact us. These animals are in need now. Not next week, not next year-but now.
Source: River Bottom Fire Scorches 12 Acres
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